CKS Syllabi Archive

This online syllabi archive has been developed to provide free public access to sample teaching materials for Korea-related courses offered at universities in North America and beyond.  A first general call for contributions was issued in August 2018 (  Many thanks are owed to the colleagues who have generously responded. Please note that all personal information except for the instructor’s name and the school affiliation has been removed for the sake of privacy.


Literature and Culture

Film and Media Studies

Arts and Performance Arts

Social Sciences

This archive is updated regularly, and we welcome future contributions. If you would like to submit new materials or update your existing ones, please create the file in PDF format and send it to We would recommend omitting certain personal information (office location and telephone number) and the personal information of any teaching assistants.  The intellectual property status of syllabi is an area of present legal dispute; if this is of concern to you, please feel free to include any copyright or similar statement that you wish.

  • We need your support and participation to continue our program-building initiatives. Sign up for the CKS mailing list here to receive future newsletters and important messages.