Statement on Sexual Misconduct

In support of the people who have been subjected to sexual harassment and assault, in Korean studies and across many disciplines, we, the Committee on Korean Studies (CKS), condemn all forms of sexual misconduct in academia as well as the institutional system that is tolerant of the perpetrators and negligent of the justice and healing deserved by those who have suffered. 

Sexual misconduct is an egregious act that violates academic and human integrity. At the same time, it is an academe-wide issue that appears in shocking ways across disciplines. The colleges and universities that cover up the incidents of sexual violence and delay the process of investigations are responsible for perpetuating the damage to academic and human integrity. We stand in solidarity with those who deserve justice and healing from the harm caused by sexual misconduct, and we strongly oppose the institutional system at departments, colleges, and universities that allows sexual violence investigations to remain deferred and unresolved.

The Korean studies community has been largely silent on the issue of sexual misconduct, despite the fact that some were aware of colleagues—students, researchers, and faculty—who have endured devastating experiences of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual coercion. The CKS is profoundly, regrettably sorry to have been part of the silence. As appalled as we were by the circulating information about sexual misconduct, there was an expectation that larger institutional entities would step up and support those who had been harmed. This has not been the case. The current situation cannot continue. Now is a moment for reflection, learning, and a call to stand in solidarity with those who have endured sexual harassment and deserve justice. And it is time to speak out against the academic system that is lenient toward the violators.

The grave incident at Columbia University in the United States has compelled the CKS to seriously discuss the issue of sexual misconduct in academia. This case has also prompted us to think about the operations of academic institutions, which often ignore the welfare and labor of students and researchers for the sake of protecting the name of the university. The issue of sexual misconduct thus shows the detrimental combination of individual transgressions, the culture of patriarchy and misogyny at large, and the severe lack of institutional accountability.

The CKS calls on the Korean studies community to, first, improve our ability to listen to individuals who have been subjected to sexual harassment and, second, become more attentive about instances of sexual misconduct in the academic community. What the CKS demands of colleges, universities, research centers, and other academic institutions is that they publicly declare their opposition to sexual misconduct and make the process of investigation more transparent and less stressful for those seeking legal measures, healing, and resolution following an encounter with sexual misconduct.

As for the CKS, we will offer a safe space for people who encounter and witness sexual harassment and sexual violence, a place of trust and discretion. Although we do not possess any legal authority, we will listen and assist in a timely manner. We will not abandon anyone to institutional and legal challenges. This promise is only the beginning. The road to justice and change will undoubtedly be difficult, but we shall fight together. You can contact us by emailing a member of the CKS Board at

The Committee on Korean Studies 

November 29, 2021

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