Introducing the New CKS Email Listserv hosted on Google Groups – Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

The Committee on Korean Studies (CKS) is launching an Online Forum (hosted on Google Groups) as a moderated email list server for the academic community focused on Korean Studies. 

Membership Registration

When registering for CKS Google Group membership (, please provide a brief statement in the “reasons for joining” box outlining your academic interest in Korea, including relevant qualifications and affiliations. The information submitted in the “reasons for joining” box is not visible to anyone but the mailing list moderators. When signing up for membership, we recommend using a personal email account rather than a professional email account. This is particularly important for junior scholars who are currently enrolled in graduate programs or whose professional affiliations may change over time. By using a personal email account, you can ensure continued access to the group and avoid any potential disruption in communication.

For more information about how to use the forum, see

Professional Conduct

We expect all participants to uphold professional academic norms. Group moderators reserve the right to reject posts or remove any members who do not comply with these standards.

Please adhere to the following guidelines regarding the content you may post:

  • Academic Opportunities: Feel free to share academic job announcements, fellowship announcements, and calls for papers. These opportunities help enrich the professional development of our members.
  • Events: Share information about conferences, seminars, workshops, and other academic events related to Korean Studies. This allows members to stay informed and participate in scholarly gatherings.
  • New Academic Publications: You are welcome to share news and announcements regarding new academic publications in the field of Korean Studies. This helps promote the dissemination of knowledge within our community.
  • Teaching Resources: If you come across valuable teaching resources related to Korean Studies, you may share them with the group. This includes tips, strategies, and materials that can enhance the teaching and learning experience.
  • Relevant Content: Ensure that your posts directly relate to the Korean Studies community. We do not edit incoming messages. If sharing a news article or content from another discipline or field, please include a comment explaining its relevance. Moderators may reject posts deemed tangential or lacking in relevance.
  • Respectful Communication: Maintain a professional tone. Academic disagreements should be expressed respectfully and constructively.
  • Non-Commercial Use: This group is strictly for academic purposes. Do not use it for any form of commerce or for-profit advertising. Memes are not allowed, except for the purpose of analysis. 
  • Volunteer Moderators: The group administrators generously volunteer their time to maintain the group. We rely on your good judgment and expect respectful, academic debate. In cases where community norms are violated or discussions become disruptive, admins may intervene and reject further posts.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in fostering a professional and inclusive environment within the Committee on Korean Studies Google group.

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